In a world digitally driven, technology has become an indispensable part of our lives. Now imagine being a part of the industry or workplace that drives this technology. The ever-increasing demands and pressure of the tech industry make it easy for tech workers to succumb to burnout and neglect their mental health at work. Not to mention, the reality of remote tech workers. Many tech professionals spend hours in front of a screen, often blurring the boundary between personal and professional life. Prosum explores five effective ways to prioritize mental health at work and avoid tech burnout here:
1. Set Boundaries with Screen Time:
One of the biggest challenges for tech workers is the constant exposure to screens. Whether it’s coding, designing, or analyzing data, prolonged screen time can lead to eye strain, fatigue, and headaches. In fact, according to a recent study highlighted on LinkedIn, 42% of remote workers in the tech industry reported feeling “down, depressed, or hopeless.” If you feel this way, you must prioritize your mental health at work and learn to set healthy boundaries.
This doesn’t mean you have to completely stop using your phone if it’s not for work it just means you must find a balance. Remedy Psychiatry offers some ideas:
- Having hobbies that don’t involve technology
- Being present when speaking with others
- Eliminate your screen time in the morning
- Keep your phone out of the bedroom at night time
2. Take Frequent Breaks:
If you are a tech worker who feels this way, Healthline has a trick for you: the 20-20-20 rule!
“Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.”
This not only sets a clear boundary with your screens but also allows you to prevent eye strain. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, it takes 20 seconds for your eyes to completely relax. Sometimes we get caught up in our jobs neglecting our mental health at work, so it is iimportant to remind yourself every 20 minutes to stop and take a much-needed break.
3. Learn to Prioritize:
In the tech industry, the demand for a new exciting project, deadline, or task can create a space of intense pressure. This can look like over-committing yourself or pushing yourself too hard resulting in a dangerous burnout. A study conducted by the British Interactive Media Association found that people working in the tech industry were “five times more depressed than the general population.” It is essential you can recognize the signs of this burnout to place limits on what you take on. Some examples of symptoms include persistent fatigue, difficulty concentrating, cynicism and detachment from life. Don’t be afraid to push back or decline tasks when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Saying no isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a form of self-care.
4. Prioritize Collaboration and Communication:
Working in tech can be very lonely especially if you are a remote worker. This is why it’s vital to ensure the company you work for has a great communication foundation. Forbes states the best practices for effective internal communications include transparency, great communication tools and strong company culture. Be on the lookout for these small yet important details to ensure you have a strong community to fall back on.
5. Invest in Self-Care Outside of Work:
Lastly, remember that your mental health extends beyond the confines of the workplace. Make time for the things that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it’s exercising, spending time with loved ones, signing up for a therapy session, or yoga, the list goes on! There are many ways to prioritize your mental health that will ultimately benefit your mental health at work. By maintaining this healthy work-life balance and investing in self-care, you’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of your tech job and prevent burnout.
Bringing technology and people together is the foundation at Prosum, so ensuring the health of our team and consultants is a top priority. We strive to make tech a positive aspect of our professional work life. For new opportunities in tech, contact us today.